Tag Archives: brain patterns

I am not a brain surgeon …

and I do not play one on TV, but it is no news to anyone that the way we think determines the way we feel which determines the way we act which determines the results we get. Logical and elegant!

The trick is that most of us think that having thoughts means that we are thinking.

You’ve heard this before…….ever notice that the little voice in your head that never stops talking? The one that just said, “what voice?” (Not a new joke, just a good one).

You may have also already heard this before……..much of the time we relate to that little voice as WHO WE ARE! We believe (and defend even) what that crazy little, won’t-shut-up, complains constantly, can’t-get-Elton-John’s-Yellow-Brick-Road-out-of-your-head voice says. But, have you ever noticed that the voice doesn’t say nice things about you or your life? It’s not the most uplifting messenger.

Here’s the good news! It’s NOT who you are … and it’s CRITICAL that you get some control over what this little voice says.

There are many ways to do this – my favorite is to simply say “PASS” when I find myself indulging in complaints, frustrations, internal gossip and judgment…anything that makes me Less of a Person than who I am.

I say “PASS” and then I envision sliding to the next screen as if I were operating an iPhone! HA!!!

NEXT!!! If I don’t like the next one. PASS – slide.

Practice this the next few days. Everytime you are indulging in negative thoughts: PASS – Slide.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook: http://ebook.solidsixblueprint.com/solid-six-ebook/

It is fun, and it is CRITICAL CRITICAL CRITICAL to your success and happiness!

Love the PASS-Slide up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl